
What is the meaning of “足を洗う”?

Word Reading Meaning 足を洗う あしをあらう to drop one’s beads 悪人仲間から足を洗う決心をしたHe decided to 「sever his connections with [wash his hands of] the underworld and go straight. 麻薬から足を洗ったHe kicked the drug habit.

What is the meaning of “足が出る”?

Word Reading Meaning 足が出る あしがでる to go over the budget 1〔予算を越える〕旅行で予算から1万円の足が出た[足を出した]The cost of the trip exceeded [went over] our budget by ten thousand yen. 2〔ぼろが出る〕ゆすりはいずれ足が出て[足を出して]警察につかまるだろうThe extortionists will slip up eventually, and the police will get them.