Onomatopoeia | Meaning | Example | Example Meaning |
ぴっ(と) | sound of whistle | 交通警察の笛がひっと甲高く鳴った。 | A traffic cop's whistle was sharply blown. |
ぴよぴよ | peep, cheep, tweet | 日本のひよこはぴよぴよと鳴く。 | A Japanese chick crys "piyopiyo". |
ひょい(と) | suddenly, accidentally, nimbly | 何事もなかったように、ひょいと立ち上がった。 | He stood up nimbly as if nothing had happened to him. |
ひょっこり | unexpectedly, by chance | しばらく見かけなかったリスがひょっこりと顔を出した。 | A squirrel, which has not been seen for a while, has unexpectedly shown up. |
ひやひや | chilly, being scared stiff | ひやひやしながらサッカーの試合を見ていた。 | I watched the soccer game nervously. |
ひゅーひゅー | whistle | 北風が隙間からひゅーひゅー吹き込んだ。 | North wind whistled through a crack in the wall. |
ひょろひょろ | frail, lanky, totter | 薄暗い森の中ではひょろひょろとしか育たない。 | It only grows tall and thin in the dim light of the woods. |
ぴゅうっ(と) | gushing, whistle | ぴゅっと血吹雪が舞い上がった。 | Fresh blood gushed from his neck. |
ひゃっ(と) | shiver, chilling | 飛行機がエアーポケットに遭遇したとき、ひやっとした。 | A chill ran down my back when the plane hit an air pocket. |
ぴゅうぴゅう | sound of whistling | 北風が隙間から容赦なくぴゅうぴゅう吹き込む。 | The north wind howls mercilessly through cracks in the wall during winter. |
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