Japanese Learning



Udemy Verb Course Quiz 11

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Note: You can press "enter" to go to the next question.

1 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

飛ぶ(とぶ):to fly

2 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

急ぐ(いそぐ):to hurry up

3 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

渡す(わたす):to hand over

4 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

終わる(おわる):to be over

5 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

着る(きる):to put on

6 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

会う(あう):to meet

7 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

覚える(おぼえる):to remember

8 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

安心する(あんしんする):to feel relieved

9 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

待つ(まつ):to wait

10 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

右折する(うせつする):to turn right

11 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

外出する(がいしゅつする):to go out

12 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

借りる(かりる):to borrow

13 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

する:to do

14 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

上げる(あげる):to increase

15 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

死ぬ(しぬ):to die

16 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

過ぎる(すぎる):to pass

17 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

行く(いく):to go

18 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

読む(よむ):to read

19 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

置く(おく):to put

20 / 20

Change the following verb to Polite Volitional Form.

来る(くる):to come

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