Word | Reading | Meaning |
預かり | あずかり | 〔勝負を決めずにおくこと〕 |
勝負を預かりにする call off a game with the results undecided 預かり金 a deposit; money on deposit 預かり所〔ホテルなどの〕 a cloakroom,・《米》 a checkroom, a hatcheck room;〔駅の〕 《米》 a baggage (check)room,・《英》 a left-luggage office 預かり証 a claim check;〔手荷物の〕a baggage check,《英》 a luggage ticket;〔お金の〕a deposit receipt 預かり人〔財産の〕 a trustee ((of property)) これは彼からの預かり物だ I am keeping this for him./He left this in my charge. |