Word | Reading | Meaning |
出る | でる | 〔外に行く〕go out |
1〔外に行く〕go out 庭に出ようか Let’s go out in [into] the garden. 母は買い物に[用事で]出ています My mother is out shopping [on an errand]. 部屋から出て来なさい Come out of your room. 出て行け Get out!/Go away! パパはもうお風呂から出た Daddy has already finished his bath. その男は先月刑務所を出たばかりだ The man was released from prison only last month. 2〔進み出る〕 一歩前へ出なさい Step forward. 3〔出発する〕 旅行に出る start [set out/leave] on a journey 今度の急行は5番ホームから出る The next express will depart from platform number five. 何時に家を出ようか What time shall we leave (home)? 彼女は19歳の時に東京に出て来た She came (《英》 up) to Tokyo at the age of nineteen. 駅前から公園行きのバスが出ています There is a bus that runs to the park from the station. 4〔現れる〕 日が出た The sun has risen. 今夜は月が出ている The moon is out tonight. この家には幽霊が出る A ghost haunts this house./This house is haunted. その家はごきぶりがたくさん出る The house is infested with cockroaches. この地層からは化石がたくさん出てきた A lot of fossils have been found [discovered] in this layer. 彼はよくテレビ[舞台]に出る He often appears on television [the stage]. すいかが市場に出ている Watermelons are on the market. クロッカスの芽が出た The crocus buds have come out. 私は酒を飲むとすぐ顔に出る The effect of sake appears immediately on my face. 驚きの色が顔に出た He looked astonished./His surprise showed on his face. 5〔突き出る〕 くぎの頭が出ている The head of a nail is sticking out. スリップがスカートの下から出ていますよ Your slip is showing. 腹が出ている He has a potbelly [beerbelly/paunch]. 6〔流れ出る〕 目から涙が出た Tears fell [flowed] from his eyes. 鼻水が出ている His nose is running. 腕から血が出ている His arm is bleeding. よだれが出た My mouth watered. 額に玉のような汗が出ていた Perspiration stood in beads on his forehead. この谷は温泉が出る There is a hot spring in this valley. 7〔出席する〕attend;〔参加する〕participate ((in));〔出馬する〕 《米》 run,《英》 stand ((for president, in an election)) 会合[講義]に出る attend [be present at] a meeting [lecture] 式に出た I was present at the ceremony. 法廷に出る appear in court 今日は会社に出ている She is at the office today. 試合[弁論大会]に出た I took part in 「a game [a speech contest]. 人前に出ると気後れがする I feel shy in the presence of others. 8〔電話に答える〕 電話に出てください Please answer the phone. はい,お出になりました 〔交換手が〕You are connected. 母は今電話に出ている My mother is on the phone (right) now. 9〔到達する〕 間もなく村へ出た Soon we came to a village. この道は海に出る This road leads [goes down] to the sea. 20分で街道へ出た We reached [struck] the highway after twenty minutes. 10〔超過する〕 ⇒こえる(越える) 3日を出ないうちに仕上がるだろう It will be finished within three days. 彼は40を出ている He is over forty. 費用は4,000円を少し出た The expenses ran a little over 4,000 yen. 11〔出版・掲載される〕 私の本はもうじき出る My book will 「come out [be published] soon. 最近出た本 a newly published book 特別号はいつ出るのですか When will the special number 「be issued [come out]? そのニュースは明日の新聞に出る The news will appear [be] in tomorrow’s papers. あの事件が週刊誌に詳しく出ている The incident is reported in detail in a weekly magazine. 彼は電話番号を電話帳に載せていない His telephone number is 「not in the phone book [《米》 unlisted/《英》 ex-directory]. 12〔見つかる〕 これは彼の小説によく出て来る女性だ This is the type of woman that often appears in his novels. 盗まれた指輪はじきに出た The stolen ring was soon found. 無くなった携帯は出て来ましたか Did you find your missing cellphone? 13〔与えられる〕 1週間の休暇が出た I was given a week off. 許可が出た Permission was given [granted]. その仕事には5万円の報酬が出る Fifty thousand yen will be paid for the work. 食事が出た Dinner was served. ごちそうが山と出た We were served [treated to] a sumptuous dinner. 14〔提出・提示される〕 その問題は会議に出た The problem was brought up at the meeting. 宿題が出た We were given [assigned] homework./We were given an assignment. 論文は全部出ている All the theses have been submitted [handed in]. 彼の辞表が出た He has presented [《文》 tendered] his resignation. 試験ではどんな問題が出ましたか What kind of questions were on the examination? 街角に大きな看板が出ている There is a big signboard at the street corner. 15〔起こる〕 火事は隣家から出た The fire broke out in the house next door. 町に大水が出た The town was flooded. 風が出て来た The wind is rising. その事故で死者が5名出た Five people were killed in the accident. 白髪が出て来た My hair is beginning to turn gray. あの人たちの顔を見たら元気が出た I felt better as soon as I saw them. 夕べから高い熱が出ている I have had a high fever since last night. 食べ物の匂いをかいだら食欲が出た The smell of food stimulated my appetite. いざとなると勇気が出なかった My courage failed me at the last moment. 今日はどうも調子が出ない I don’t seem to be able to 「get into gear [find my form] today. 16〔産出される〕 この辺は石油が出る Oil is found around here. この町からは多くの偉人が出た This town has produced many great people. 17〔由来する〕 この語はギリシア語から出ている This word 「is derived [comes] from Greek. その話は彼から出たものだ He first told the story. 山田から出たうわさだ Yamada started [originated] the rumor. 彼の家は源氏から出ている His family is descended from the Minamoto Clan. 費用は彼から出たらしい I hear he 「paid the expenses [《口》 footed the bill]. それは好奇心から出た行為だ He did it from [out of] curiosity. 18〔もたらされる〕 ようやく結論が出た At last we 「came to [arrived at] a conclusion. なかなかいい案が出て来ない I’m having a hard time coming up with a good idea. 19〔乗り出す〕 世に出る 「go out [《文》 set forth] into the world/〔出世する〕get on in the world/succeed in life 実業界に出る go into business 20〔卒業する〕 大学を出る graduate from a university 小学校もまともに出ていない He didn’t even finish elementary school. 21〔支出される〕 先月はずいぶん金が出た Our expenses last month were considerable. 出る方が入るより多い Expenses exceed receipts. 22〔売れる〕 この本はよく出る This book 「sells well [is a good seller]. 今年は薄型テレビがよく出た Flat-screen TVs were in great demand this year. 23〔態度をとる〕 ⇒でかた(出方) 高飛車に出る act high-handedly 彼らには強く出たほうがいい We had better take a firm attitude toward them. すべては先方がどう出るかに掛かっている Everything depends on 「what tack they take [what move they make]. 「僕に出来ないことはないさ」「大きく出たね」 “There’s nothing I can’t do.”“You’re talking big.” 24〔増す〕 途中からスピードが出た The car gathered [picked up] speed on the way. 25〔色や味などが〕 この昆布はよくだしが出る This konbu [seaweed] makes good stock. このお茶はよく出る This tea draws [infuses] well./This tea produces a lot of flavor. 出る杭くいは打たれる⇒くい(杭) 出る所へ出て決着を付けよう 〔法廷で〕Let’s settle this in court./〔警察に行って〕OK! Let’s have the police settle this. 君の出る幕ではない You keep out of this. |