Word | Reading | Meaning |
立てる | たてる | 〔縦にする〕stand (up); put up |
I 1〔縦にする〕stand (up); put up 看板を立てる put up a sign(board) 銅像を立てる erect [put up] a bronze statue 卵を立てる stand an egg on end 本を立てる set a book 「on its edge [on end] 柱を立てる plant [set up] a post コートの襟を立てて着ていた He wore his coat with the collar turned up. 物音を聞くと犬は耳をぴんと立てた The dog pricked up its ears at the sound. 2〔突き刺す〕 猫が彼の手につめを立てた The cat 「buried its claws in [dug its claws into] his hand. 指にとげを立てた I have got a splinter [thorn] in my finger.(▼thornはばらなどのとげ) 彼は青筋を立てて怒った He turned livid with anger. 3〔波・煙などを上げる〕 やかんが湯気を立てている The kettle is steaming. 海は大波を立てている The waves are high. トラックは砂ぼこりを立てた The truck raised [stirred up] a cloud of dust. 4〔閉める〕 雨戸を立てる close the storm [rain] shutters 人の口に戸は立てられない You can’t shut people’s mouths./We cannot stop gossip. II 1〔設立する〕 彼は新会社を立てた He established [set up/founded] a new firm. 2〔定める,新たに作り示す〕 目標を立てる 「set up [establish] a goal 志を立てる set 「an aim [a goal] in life 100メートル競走で新記録を立てる set [establish] a new record in the 100-meter dash 予算[予定]を立てる make [draw up] 「a budget [a plan] 私は新説を立てた I formulated [developed] a new theory. 筋道を立てて話す speak logically 父は禁煙の誓いを立てた My father 「made a vow [vowed] not to smoke. 3〔ある役目のために引き出す〕 彼らは対立候補を立てた They put up an opposition candidate. 第三国を立てて両国は和解した The two nations made peace with each other through the mediation of a third nation. ジャックが使者に立てられた Jack was sent as a messenger. 彼らは山田氏をリーダーに立てた They made Mr. Yamada their leader. 弁護側は被告の友人を証人に立てることにした Counsel for the defense decided to call a friend of the accused as a witness. 4〔相手の立場を尊重する〕 彼女はいつもしゅうとめを立てていた She always paid due respect to her mother-in-law. 5〔世に広める〕 そのうわさを立てたのはだれだ Who spread the rumor? 彼はうそをついているという噂を立てられた A rumor was spread that he was lying. 6〔音を出す〕 物音を立てる make a noise 声を立てると殺すぞ I’ll kill you if you let out a single word. 彼女はけたたましい笑い声を立てた She gave a shrill [loud] laugh. |