Japanese Learning



N4 Kanji Input Test 9

Please input Hiragana. (Romaji is not allowed in this test.)

total question numbers: 20

Note: You can press "enter" to go to the next question.

1 / 20

Type the reading of 走 in word ご

(Meaning: a treat)


2 / 20

Type the reading of 洗 in word 洗たくする

(Meaning: to do laundry)


3 / 20

Type the reading of 開 in word 開く

(Meaning: to open)


4 / 20

Type the reading of 起 in word 起げん

(Meaning: origin)


5 / 20

Type the reading of 起 in word 起ぎょうする

(Meaning: to start a business)


6 / 20

Type the reading of 起 in word 起こる

(Meaning: to occur)


7 / 20

Type the reading of 洗 in word 洗う

(Meaning: to wash)


8 / 20

Type the reading of 集 in word 集だん

(Meaning: group)


9 / 20

Type the reading of 起 in word 起きる

(Meaning: to get up)


10 / 20

Type the reading of 開 in word 開く

(Meaning: be open)


11 / 20

Type the reading of 洗 in word お洗い

(Meaning: bathroom)


12 / 20

Type the reading of 集 in word 集う

(Meaning: to gather)


13 / 20

Type the reading of 集 in word 集る

(Meaning: to sponge off)


14 / 20

Type the reading of 集 in word 集まる

(Meaning: to get together)


15 / 20

Type the reading of 集 in word 集める

(Meaning: to gather)


16 / 20

Type the reading of 走 in word 走る

(Meaning: to run)


17 / 20

Type the reading of 走 in word 走こう

(Meaning: running)


18 / 20

Type the reading of 起 in word 起こす

(Meaning: to wake up)


19 / 20

Type the reading of 開 in word 開ける

(Meaning: to open)


20 / 20

Type the reading of 開 in word 開はつ

(Meaning: development)


Your score is

The average score is 98%



  • Pos.
  • 1.
    100 %
  • 2.
    100 %

Kanji List:

(Kanji is clickable. It will redirect you to the kanji lesson.)

to washあらせん
to gatherあつ、つど、たかしゅう
to openあ、ひらかい
to runはしそう
to get up

Vocabulary List:

洗うあらうto wash
洗濯するせんたくするto do laundry
集まるあつまるto get together
集めるあつめるto gather
集るたかるto sponge off
集うつどうto gather
開くあくbe open
開くひらくto open
開けるあけるto open
走るはしるto run
ご馳走ごちそうa treat
起きるおきるto get up
起こすおこすto wake up
起こるおこるto occur
起業するきぎょうするto start a business

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