Meaning of 倍:
「倍」means “double”.
Example Sentences of 倍:
医者になるなら、人一倍頑張らなくっちゃ。 If I’m to become a doctor, I have to work twice as hard as the rest. 彼女は彼の二倍も本を持っている。 She has as many books again as he. 彼は私の三倍の本を持っている。 He has three times as many books as I have. 太陽は地球の約百万倍の大きさがある。 The sun is about 1,000,000 times as large as the earth. 彼の今日のテストの点は昨日取った点の二倍だ。 His score on the test today is twice what he got yesterday. そんなわけでダチョウの肉は牛肉や豚肉の2倍以上の値段となる。 That’s why ostrich meat costs more than twice as much as beef and pork. 物価は10年前の倍になっている。 Prices are double what they were ten years ago. 東京の人口は我々の市の人口の約5倍である。 The population of Tokyo is about five times as large as that of our city. 僕の収入は君の2倍だ。 My income is twice as large as yours is. 僕は彼の5倍の切手を持っているよ。 I have five times as many stamps as he does. |