Genki 2 Vocabulary Input Quiz (Sample) March 23, 2021March 23, 2021 Sample Show 102550100 entriesSearch: WordReadingMeaning ウエイターウエイターwaiter おじいさんおじいさんgrandfather; old man お宅おたくhouse; home 大人おとなadult 外国語がいこくごforeign language 楽器がっきmusical instrument 空手からてkarate カレーカレーcurry 着物きものkimono ケーキケーキcake Showing 1 to 10 of 54 entriesPreviousNext Quiz: 6 Time Limit: 300 seconds Genki 2 Vocabulary Input Quiz (Sample) Please input hiragana. (Romaji is not allowed in this test.)For pure hiragana and katakana word, just input the word itself.Questions will show randomly.Time Limit: 300 secondsNumber of questions every time: 10total question numbers: 54Note: You can press "enter" to go to the next question. 1 / 10 七日(Meaning: seven days) Check 2 / 10 厳しい(Meaning: strict) Check 3 / 10 十日(Meaning: ten days) Check 4 / 10 だめ(Meaning: no good) Check 5 / 10 幸せ(Meaning: happy) Check 6 / 10 やくざ(Meaning: yakuza) Check 7 / 10 色々(Meaning: various) Check 8 / 10 大人(Meaning: adult) Check 9 / 10 店(Meaning: shop; store) Check 10 / 10 空手(Meaning: karate) Check Your score is The average score is 50% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Leaderboard: Pos. Name Score Duration There is no data yet Join the Discord Server(Chatroom)! (*≧▽≦)* Become a Patron to access 19000+ online questions & 550+ audios immediately! ⸜(๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝⋆