- 5 lessons
- 0 quizzes
- 96 week duration
「調べる」means “to look up”, “to check, to check out”, “to look into”, “to investigate”.
Stroke order of kanji 調:
(You can click here to learn more about this kanji)
この単語は辞書で調べるよ。 I‘ll look up this word in the dictionary. 警察に行って、自分でそれを調べるべきだ。 You should go to the police and check it out yourself. 刑事はすぐに事件を調べると約束した。 The detective promised to investigate the matter right away. 排卵の有無を調べる方法はありますか? Is there some way to check for ovulation? 私はよくその辞書で言葉を調べます。 I often look up words in that dictionary. シャワーが止まらないんです。調べてもらえませんか? I can’t turn the shower off. Could you check it for me? 2人の男性が車の故障の原因を調べている。 Two men are checking on what’s wrong with the car. 彼は何を調べたのですか。 What did he look up? 電話帳で調べたらどうですか。 Why don’t you look it up in the phone book? 昨日調べた単語の意味が思い出せないんだ。 I can’t remember the meaning of the word that I looked up yesterday. |