Chainsaw Man Quiz 8 February 5, 2023January 29, 2024 Anime 0 Chainsaw Man(8) The answer is in the "Reading" column.Please input the reading of the word.Romaji is not allowed.Note: You can press "enter" to go to the next question. 1 / 10 付き合う Check 2 / 10 終わる Check 3 / 10 ジャム Check 4 / 10 叶う Check 5 / 10 塗る Check 6 / 10 女 Check 7 / 10 夢の話 Check 8 / 10 ボロ小屋 Check 9 / 10 普通 Check 10 / 10 聞く Check Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Show 102550100 entriesSearch: WordReadingMeaning 聞くきくto listen; to ask 普通ふつうusually ジャムジャムjam 塗るぬるto spread 夢の話ゆめのはなしdream story 終わるおわるto end 女おんなwoman 付き合うつきあうto date ボロ小屋ボロごやrag hut 叶うかなうto come true Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entriesPreviousNext Pos. Name Score Duration There is no data yet