By becoming a Patron, you can access 1040 I-Adjectives Questions instantly! Quiz①: Given Japanese word, input reading. Quiz②: Given English meaning, input Japanese word. |
Level | Requirement | Free | Patron-only |
Level 1 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 好き、嫌、大変、綺麗、大丈夫、有名、大切、静か、大好き、立派 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 2 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 上手、真っ直ぐ、賑やか、丈夫、確か、簡単、十分、大事、非常、残念 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 3 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 特別、真面目、丁寧、熱心、盛ん、可能、重要、様々、明らか、同様 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 4 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 完全、新た、相当、豊か、遥か、単純、確実、意外、明確、有効 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 5 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. いかが、巨大、特殊、さすが、当たり前、見事、容易、多様、懸命、高度 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 6 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 独自、同一、適切、素直、必死、正式、曖昧、余計、主要、貴重 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 7 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 微妙、急速、深刻、穏やか、知的、強力、透明、身近、幼稚、奇妙 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 8 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 密か、独特、純粋、重大、有力、豊富、素敵、稀、高等、可哀想 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 9 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 優秀、頻繁、有利、不可欠、活発、公的、不要、夢中、滅多、フル | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 10 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 新規、強烈、法的、肝心、まし、微か、大幅、ばらばら、特有、単独 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 11 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 偉大、新鮮、鮮やか、無数、急激、順調、巧み、厳密、広大、大胆 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 12 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 別々、真っ赤、柔軟、強引、私的、気の毒、にわか、健全、顕著、最適 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 13 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 嫌い、的確、異様、スムーズ、忠実、密接、無縁、華やか、緩やか、早め | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 14 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. シンプル、大げさ、適正、性的、率直、明白、グローバル、爽やか、迅速、猛烈 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 15 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 愚か、安易、気軽、鮮明、間近、前向き、器用、惨め、真っ白、速やか | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 16 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 気楽、同等、著名、ビッグ、不当、対等、露わ、粗末、過激、密 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 17 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 不法、簡易、上品、明瞭、温暖、陽気、執拗、端的、厳格、ぼろぼろ | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 18 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 未熟、真っ黒、頑固、平ら、自在、切、柔らか、細やか、有害、良好 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 19 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 厳重、真っ暗、格別、壮大、滑らか、抜群、劇的、ユニーク、巧妙、外的 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 20 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 過度、定か、手軽、控えめ、明快、安価、希薄、細か、単一、円滑 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 21 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 無難、多大、露骨、存分、一様、人的、広範、大まか、旺盛、ハッピー | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 22 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 内的、尋常、多彩、濃厚、適度、謙虚、裕福、クール、ドライ、着実 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 23 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 強固、むやみ、良質、大雑把、無残、あからさま、大嫌い、窮屈、質的、パブリック | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 24 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 不可解、悪質、早急、切実、モダン、唐突、猥褻、頑丈、格段、緊密 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 25 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 裏腹、巨額、繁華、丹念、気掛かり、下品、のんき、盛大、まちまち、ロマンチック | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 26 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. おぼろ、大きめ、周到、寛大、頑な、まめ、簡素、物的、別個、強硬 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 27 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 手頃、にこやか、有数、のどか、スマート、勇敢、冷ややか、遺憾、絶大、スロー | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 28 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 大掛かり、真摯、細心、ダイナミック、かれん、凶悪、多め、量的、過酷、小まめ | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 29 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 地道、大らか、簡略、苛酷、声高、いたずら、しなやか、高め、ほのか、温か | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 30 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. うつろ、安楽、安らか、あでやか、美的、利口、希少、陰気、怪訝、病的 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 31 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. ないがしろ、円満、まばら、ダイレクト、つややか、不毛、貪欲、肝要、零細、リッチ | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 32 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 華奢、念入り、スリム、緻密、絶妙、なだらか、厳粛、几帳面、ふんだん、熱烈 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 33 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 性急、ルーズ、果敢、堅固、優美、クリーン、親身、セクシー、和やか、雑多 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 34 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 達者、足早、斬新、不可避、軽やか、優良、雄大、シャイ、ハンサム、まっとう | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 35 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 健常、神妙、入念、ちっぽけ、痛烈、小さめ、めちゃめちゃ、激烈、やみくも、論外 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 36 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. みだり、克明、まろやか、ノーマル、疎遠、甚大、健気、酷、淫ら、豪快 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 37 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. ワイルド、くたくた、デリケート、緩慢、タフ、小振り、かちかち、高らか、敬虔、鋭敏 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 38 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. ひたむき、厳か、気さく、機敏、ショッキング、ほしいまま、シビア、奔放、不確か、凶暴 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 39 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 狡猾、清らか、気長、身軽、カラフル、長め、格安、ヒステリック、法外、がむしゃら | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 40 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 誇大、動的、好き勝手、シック、安上がり、横柄、ぐちゃぐちゃ、あやふや、太め、もってのほか | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 41 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 低め、がりがり、デラックス、健やか、十二分、大っぴら、ずたずた、エレガント、甘美、流暢 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 42 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 頑強、かりかり、風変わり、耳障り、朗らか、物静か、フォーマル、悠長、物騒、割高 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 43 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. グロテスク、清楚、へとへと、大仰、大違い、詩的、不ぞろい、無骨、ユーモラス、あっぱれ | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 44 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 精悍、うってつけ、ふくよか、ナイーブ、きらびやか、劣悪、異色、ベター、きざ、しどろもどろ | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 45 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 気丈、月並み、邪険、鷹揚、うやむや、アクティブ、よれよれ、アカデミック、薄っぺら、不屈 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 46 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. クリエーティブ、霊的、ベーシック、やわ、珍妙、不用、穏便、粗悪、エロチック、姑息 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 47 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. ドラマチック、粗雑、手短、陰鬱、フレッシュ、パワフル、テクニカル、エキゾチック、伸びやか、婉曲 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 48 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. かさかさ、不敵、明朗、浅はか、密やか、センセーショナル、ゴージャス、リズミカル、事細か、手薄 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 49 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. フレンドリー、ちぐはぐ、隠密、桁違い、獰猛、ウエット、豪勢、微小、これみよがし、欲張り | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 50 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. ぞんざい、物好き、しとやか、静的、つぶら、あべこべ、ぶかぶか、ヘルシー、ちんぷんかんぷん、数奇 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 51 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 血まみれ、フェア、厳正、マイルド、骨太、壮観、安直、割安、オフィシャル、ひょうきん | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 52 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 肉厚、ジグザグ、上々、心外、陰険、鮮烈、殊勝、桁外れ、存外、少なめ | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 53 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 順当、力任せ、ねんごろ、スピーディー、出し抜け、まことしやか、エネルギッシュ、薄手、晴れやか、下劣 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 54 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 詳らか、切れ切れ、苛烈、瀟洒、直截、ざっくばらん、絶え絶え、チャーミング、苦し紛れ、狂暴 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 55 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. リーズナブル、勇壮、とぎれとぎれ、手狭、こちこち、赤裸々、史的、非凡、きめ細か、たわわ | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 56 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. キュート、マニアック、ひ弱、クレージー、廉価、短め、てきめん、瓜二つ、センチメンタル、フレキシブル | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 57 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 緩か、がちがち、シリアス、シンボリック、多難、ぺちゃんこ、楽ちん、幅広、真っさら、犬好き | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 58 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 慎ましやか、シニカル、たおやか、涼やか、野放図、沈痛、へなへな、麗らか、ドラスティック、びしょびしょ | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 59 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. ドメスティック、望外、ミステリアス、広め、ぼこぼこ、手荒、色黒、ぐしゃぐしゃ、生半可、移り気 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 60 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. ごちゃ混ぜ、傲岸、流麗、エキセントリック、てかてか、老練、清新、破天荒、薄め、型破り | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 61 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. きつめ、ファッショナブル、場当たり、冗長、過分、スポーティー、固め、厚め、ぶよぶよ、大真面目 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 62 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 耳寄り、モテモテ、もじゃもじゃ、細密、ちゃち、プリミティブ、悪辣、つっけんどん、メロメロ、フィジカル | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 63 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. いたいけ、血みどろ、ノーブル、スリリング、金ぴか、あつらえ向き、深め、すかすか、濃いめ、エンドレス | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 64 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. のろま、システマチック、がさつ、きめ細やか、メタリック、ざんばら、著明、へっちゃら、激辛、頓狂 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 65 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. クラシカル、明け透け、無体、言葉少な、ポリティカル、クリーミー、ボーイッシュ、人でなし、ぺたんこ、スキャンダラス | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 66 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. トレンディー、軽め、プリティー、誇らか、ハンディー、あけっぴろげ、あこぎ、壮烈、ほやほや、ビジネスライク | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 67 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 内向き、プラトニック、さやか、へんてこりん、雅やか、アグレッシブ、インフォーマル、微少、うろん、卑近 | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 68 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. マッド、根暗、スパイシー、スレンダー、へべれけ、甘辛、あらたか、ビューティフル、クリティカル、遅め | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 69 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. ブロークン、コミカル、破れかぶれ、ジューシー、速め、因業、狂的、ちんけ、ハートフル、ファンタスティック | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 70 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. おっちょこちょい、不束、エゴイスティック、小幅、フェミニン、ファンタジック、しとど、コケティッシュ、アンビバレント、とんま | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 71 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. びろう、上がったり、間遠、ダーティー、放漫、しゃかりき、センシティブ、ノリノリ、アブノーマル、メカニカル | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 72 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. バイタル、気短、ナーバス、濃艶、本好き、プラグマティック、首っ丈、大甘、アンラッキー、ロンリー | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 73 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. トラディショナル、セキュア、明るめ、ビビッド、半可通、コンベンショナル、堅調、しめやか、アクロバチック、フルーティー | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 74 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 罪作り、アンフェア、全的、互い違い、リスキー、いなせ、トリッキー、軽易、柔らかめ、ぐしょぐしょ | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 75 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. 暗鬱、サイエンティフィック、広やか、人嫌い、トラッド、ジャーナリスティック、メタフィジカル、オカルティック、軟調、スタイリッシュ | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 76 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. けんもほろろ、おしゃま、ロジカル、プラクティカル、不溶、物柔らか、秘めやか、はすっぱ、ミスティック、忍びやか | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 77 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. ごった、ラグジュアリー、ヒロイック、鉛直、マージナル、だぼだぼ、逆しま、デモクラティック、犬嫌い、モニュメンタル | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 78 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. マジカル、遠め、暗め、スモーキー、緩め、手柔らか、ぴり辛、ドレッシー、派手め、アンビシャス | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 79 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. ムーディー、アンハッピー、デコラティブ、肉太、マニッシュ、細長、安め、しっちゃかめっちゃか、コンテンポラリー、ソウルフル | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level Max | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following Na-Adjectives. こてんこてん、ブリリアント、負けず嫌い、ダウナー、ちょぼちょぼ、メランコリック、周密、グランジ、お冠、スローモー | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |