By becoming a Patron, you can access 1040 I-Adjectives Questions instantly! Quiz①: Given Japanese word, input reading. Quiz②: Given English meaning, input Japanese word. |
Level | Requirement | Free | Patron-only |
Level 1 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. ない、いい、多い、悪い、高い、大きい、欲しい、早い、長い、甘い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 2 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 強い、少ない、若い、小さい、新しい、近い、安い、面白い、難しい、美味しい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 3 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 白い、辛い、楽しい、可愛い、低い、軽い、痛い、重い、遅い、古い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 4 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 広い、赤い、短い、黒い、明るい、薄い、弱い、暗い、遠い、冷たい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 5 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. よろしい、狭い、寒い、忙しい、細い、熱い、暑い、太い、青い、速い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 6 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. まずい、汚い、丸い、危ない、厚い、暖かい、黄色い、涼しい、温い、易しい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 7 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 凄い、深い、酷い、嬉しい、怖い、おかしい、優しい、正しい、美しい、厳しい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 8 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 寂しい、恥ずかしい、悲しい、珍しい、細かい、素晴らしい、固い、柔らかい、浅い、むなしい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 9 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 眠い、苦い、激しい、詳しい、恐ろしい、苦しい、濃い、偉い、相応しい、鋭い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 10 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 親しい、幼い、仕方ない、久しい、ありがたい、物凄い、貧しい、懐かしい、著しい、うるさい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 11 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 温かい、きつい、怪しい、硬い、等しい、素早い、望ましい、悔しい、堅い、めでたい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 12 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 大人しい、凄まじい、乏しい、危うい、情けない、しつこい、力強い、羨ましい、でかい、好ましい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 13 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 心地良い、幅広い、賢い、荒い、淡い、さりげない、快い、鈍い、限りない、逞しい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 14 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 惜しい、薄暗い、醜い、緩い、細長い、可愛らしい、慌ただしい、険しい、眩しい、おびただしい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 15 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 分厚い、尊い、甚だしい、馬鹿馬鹿しい、奥深い、切ない、止むない、ややこしい、根強い、狡い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 16 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 痒い、息苦しい、やばい、程遠い、脆い、疑わしい、生々しい、容易い、しんどい、いやらしい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 17 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 目覚ましい、儚い、頼りない、四角い、心細い、素っ気ない、潔い、煩わしい、青白い、誇らしい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 18 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 喧しい、渋い、愛しい、みっともない、頼もしい、だらしない、うっとうしい、腹立たしい、荒々しい、若々しい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 19 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 重苦しい、騒がしい、おぼつかない、気まずい、怠い、卑しい、重たい、平たい、手早い、ぎこちない | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 20 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 心強い、呆気ない、恋しい、憎い、清々しい、見苦しい、目まぐるしい、名高い、もどかしい、華々しい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 21 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 酸っぱい、弱々しい、痛ましい、程良い、後ろめたい、心許ない、茶色い、愛らしい、手厚い、輝かしい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 22 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 疎い、瑞々しい、小高い、拙い、気安い、甲高い、粘り強い、堅苦しい、惨い、苦々しい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 23 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 清い、勇ましい、くどい、眩い、侘しい、芳しい、蒸し暑い、痛々しい、真新しい、荒っぽい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 24 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 図々しい、よそよそしい、微笑ましい、訝しい、悍ましい、喜ばしい、生臭い、安っぽい、慎ましい、か細い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 25 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 手強い、目新しい、騒々しい、味気ない、紛らわしい、恨めしい、粗い、忌まわしい、物悲しい、懐こい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 26 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. ダサい、極まりない、いとおしい、厚かましい、疚しい、軽々しい、真っ白い、如何わしい、重々しい、馴れ馴れしい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 27 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 麗しい、根深い、いまいましい、香ばしい、心ない、くすぐったい、浅黒い、気難しい、手厳しい、生温い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 28 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 初々しい、程近い、ごつい、ふがいない、艶めかしい、けたたましい、面白おかしい、気恥ずかしい、肌寒い、甘酸っぱい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 29 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 際どい、古めかしい、力ない、縁遠い、待ち遠しい、惜しみない、きめ細かい、歯痒い、気怠い、しぶとい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 30 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. か弱い、めんどい、近しい、気高い、眠たい、口うるさい、たどたどしい、凛々しい、疎ましい、危なっかしい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 31 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 厳つい、物珍しい、甘ったるい、いじらしい、めぼしい、ひもじい、赤黒い、薄汚い、焦れったい、おこがましい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 32 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 仰々しい、憎らしい、塩辛い、そそっかしい、煙い、おっかない、浅ましい、あくどい、悩ましい、煙たい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 33 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 汚らわしい、すばしこい、真ん丸い、情け深い、欲深い、晴れがましい、嘆かわしい、心苦しい、せこい、聡い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 34 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. しがない、目敏い、揺るぎない、物々しい、恐れ多い、回りくどい、手痛い、図太い、あどけない、罪深い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 35 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 真っ黒い、野暮ったい、神々しい、血腥い、白々しい、うざい、女々しい、由々しい、生暖かい、毛深い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 36 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 狡賢い、しょっぱい、平べったい、怪しい、刺々しい、雄々しい、忙しない、けばけばしい、水臭い、はしたない | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 37 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 空恐ろしい、気忙しい、狭苦しい、愚かしい、禍々しい、カビ臭い、ほろ苦い、泥臭い、手酷い、青臭い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 38 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 手堅い、脂っこい、仲睦まじい、こっぴどい、生易しい、どす黒い、とろい、そこはかとない、憎たらしい、涙脆い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 39 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 疑い深い、香しい、毒々しい、憎々しい、だだっ広い、汚らしい、狂おしい、奥床しい、苛立たしい、涙ぐましい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 40 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. ボロい、恨みがましい、手広い、青黒い、愛くるしい、恙ない、酒臭い、慎み深い、きもい、どぎつい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 41 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 猛々しい、熱苦しい、つれない、おどろおどろしい、小賢しい、えげつない、たわいない、雪深い、みみっちい、薄ら寒い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 42 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. きしょい、寝苦しい、惨たらしい、面映ゆい、甘辛い、ふてぶてしい、汗臭い、むさくるしい、ひ弱い、粘っこい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 43 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. あざとい、かったるい、甲斐甲斐しい、倹しい、せせこましい、すげない、手荒い、口汚い、気軽い、さもしい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 44 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 心安い、腫れぼったい、色好い、空々しい、胸苦しい、疑り深い、まどろっこしい、身軽い、わりない、むず痒い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 45 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 薄っぺらい、野太い、慕わしい、きな臭い、賑々しい、丸っこい、やんごとない、美々しい、粘い、えぐい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 46 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 草深い、妬ましい、うら若い、腹黒い、小難しい、口喧しい、物寂しい、小煩い、気弱い、残り惜しい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 47 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 名残惜しい、悪賢い、考え深い、長々しい、ちょろい、いじましい、人恋しい、姦しい、しどけない、馴染み深い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 48 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. しょぼい、聞き苦しい、しおらしい、心憎い、弛い、薄明るい、小汚い、長たらしい、しかつめらしい、がめつい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 49 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. はずい、耳新しい、むさい、気強い、詮ない、ねちっこい、男臭い、後ろ暗い、こそばゆい、長細い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 50 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 呪わしい、うざったい、ひょろ長い、甘ちょろい、いがらっぽい、爺むさい、末恐ろしい、焦げ臭い、どでかい、薄赤い | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level 51 | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. 手緩い、賢しい、薄黒い、ケバい、洒落臭い、心弱い、小憎らしい、寒々しい、厚ぼったい、エロい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |
Level Max | Be able to read and translate(from English to Japanese) the following I-Adjectives. よんどころない、晴々しい、ナウい、痛痒い、福々しい、めんこい、油臭い、へぼい、土臭い、心嬉しい | Lesson | Quiz① / Quiz② |