Onomatopoeia | Meaning | Example | Example Meaning |
みしみし | creaking | 人が動くと二階の床がみしみしと音を立てる。 | The second floor creaks when pople walk on it. |
みっちり | severely, strictly, diligently | 高校野球でみっちり鍛えられた。 | The baseball coach put us through hard training during high achool. |
むかっ | losing one's temper | 彼女はご主人の態度にむかっときた。 | She lost her termper at her husband's attitude. |
むかむか | feel nauseated, disgusting one | 署長の態度にはむかむかと腹が立つ。 | The chief of police disgusted me. |
むくむく | rising up, plump, shaggy | 夕立雲がむくむく成長している。 | A big shower cloud is rapidly rising up. |
むずむず | itch, to be eager | 銀座で誰を見かけたか、妻に話したくてむずむずしている。 | I'm eager to tell my wife who I saw in Ginza. |
むっ | be sullen, offended, stuffy | 彼女はご主人の態度にむっときた。 | She was offended by her husband's attitude. |
むにゃむにゃ | mumbling, talking in sleep | 赤ん坊はよくむにゃむにゃ寝言を言っている。 | Babies often talk to themselves during sleep. |
むらむら | an impulse | 彼はちらりと見せる彼女の純白のパンティにむらむらとしてきた。 | He was aroused by the glimpse of her white underwear. |
めきめき | remarkably, rapidly | 本田はサッカーでめきめきと頭角をあらわした。 | Honda has made remarkable progress in his soccer playing ability. |
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