Onomatopoeia | Meaning | Example | Example Meaning |
はっと | startled | 生暖かい息にはっと気づくと、彼女の唇がせまっていた。 | When I came to myself at a warm breath, I found her lips were almost pressing against mine. |
ぱっと | suddenly, all at once | 火がぱっと燃え上がった。 | The fire flared up. |
はらはら | feel uneasy [nervous], thrilling | サっカーのコーチはPKをいつもはらはらと見ている。 | Soccer coaches always watch PK play-offs with bated breath. |
ぱらぱら | rain sprinklong sound, or hail pattering sound, riffling pages | ぱらぱらと大粒の雨が降り始めた。 | I hear big drops of rain pattering on the roof. |
ばらばら | scattering, dismembering | 飴玉がばらばらと床に落ちた。 | The lollies fell and scattered on the floor. |
ばったりと | sudden [fall], abrupt stop | ばったりと連絡は途絶えた。 | We haven't heard anymore since then. |
ばりっ(と) | a sound of tearing/ripping | 腰を下ろした時、スカートの後ろがばりっと裂けた。 | Her tight skirt was torn open when she crouched. |
ばん(と) | a bang of gun | となりの銀行からばんと銃の音がした。 | The bang of a gun was heard from the neighboring bank. |
ばんばん | doing something at a mad pace | お金がないのにばんばん使い放題。 | He is not rich, but he lives fast. |
ばんばん | kapow, bang, clap-clap | 日本人にはピストルの音はばんばんと聞こえる。 | A pistol sounds "Pann-Pann" to Japanese ears. |
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