Japanese Learning



Japanese Yōon Quiz

Please input romaji.

number of questions: 15

Note: You can press "enter" to go to the next question.

1 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

去年(きょねん): last year

2 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

会社(かいしゃ): company

3 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

社会(しゃかい): society

4 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

外出する(がいしゅつする): to go out

5 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

自転車(じてんしゃ): bicycle

6 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

種類(しゅるい): type

7 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

図書館(としょかん): library

8 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

辞書(じしょ): dictionary

9 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

会社員(かいしゃいん): company employee

10 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

お茶(おちゃ): tea

11 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

写真(しゃしん): photo

12 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

お客さん(おきゃくさん): customer

13 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

社員(しゃいん): company employee

14 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

医者(いしゃ): doctor

15 / 15

Type the romaji of the following word

宿題(しゅくだい): homework

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