Japanese Learning



Katakana Quiz 10: ワヲン

Please input romaji.

number of questions: 109 (10 questions will be loaded randomly every time you retake the quiz.)

Note: You can press "enter" to go to the next question.

1 / 10

Type the romaji of the following word

モスクワ: moscow

2 / 10

Type the romaji of the following word

ワクチン: vaccine

3 / 10

Type the romaji of the following word

インク: ink

4 / 10

Type the romaji of the following word

アイコン: icon

5 / 10

Type the romaji of the following word

ハンカチ: handkerchief

6 / 10

Type the romaji of the following word

セメント: cement

7 / 10

Type the romaji of the following word

タレント: celebrity

8 / 10

Type the romaji of the following word

シリコン: silicon

9 / 10

Type the romaji of the following word

ホルン: horn

10 / 10

Type the romaji of the following word

センテンス: sentence

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The average score is 88%


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