13-63648010 June 12, 2023June 12, 2023 ppp 0 Verbs that end with う Quiz(13) The Answer is in the "Reading" Column.You need to input hiragana, not romaji.Note: You can press "enter" to go to the next question. 1 / 10 攫う Check 2 / 10 伝う Check 3 / 10 あてがう Check 4 / 10 触れ合う Check 5 / 10 見習う Check 6 / 10 囲う Check 7 / 10 庇う Check 8 / 10 重なり合う Check 9 / 10 呪う Check 10 / 10 抱き合う Check Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Search: LevelWordReadingMeaning Adv庇うかばうto protect Adv囲うかこうto surround Adv重なり合うかさなりあうto overlap Adv抱き合うだきあうto embrace Adv伝うつたうto communicate Adv見習うみならうto imitate Adv触れ合うふれあうto touch each other Adv攫うさらうto abduct H_Adv呪うのろうto curse H_Advあてがうあてがうto assign Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries Pos. Name Score Duration There is no data yet