Onomatopoeia | Meaning | Example | Example Meaning |
ぐさっ(と) | thuck, thuk, tsak, dagger thrust | 突然背後からぐさっと一突き。 | A man suddenly stabbed him in the back with a dagger. |
くしゃくしゃ | crumple, wrinkle | 書きかけの手紙をくしゃくしゃに丸めて、くずかごに捨てた。 | She wadded up an unfinished letter and threw it into a waste basket. |
ぐしょぐしょ | drenched wet | 土砂降りで靴の中までぐしょぐしょにぬれた。 | I got dripping wet with water even in my shoes during a pouring shower. |
くすくす | giggle, titter, chuckle, snicker | 少女たちは若い女性の服装にくすくす笑っていた。 | The girls chuckled to themselves after seeing the costume worn by a young woman. |
ぐずぐず | slowly, tardily, hesitantly, hesitatingly, dawdle | ぐずぐずせず、早く行け。 | Step on it. Go! |
くちゃくちゃ | crumpled, smack | くちゃくちゃとガムをかまないで下さい。 | Don't chew gum noisily. |
ぐちゃぐちゃ | sloppy, soggy, messy | 箱に衣類がぐちゃぐちゃに詰め込まれていた。 | The box was sloppily jam-packed with clothes. |
くたくた | pooped, dead tired ,exhausted, mushy | サッカー選手は試合後くたくたに疲れている。 | The soccer players are dead tired after a game. |
ぐつぐつ | bubble-bubble | 肉鍋がぐつぐつ煮えている。 | Meat and vegetables are simmering in a pot. |
くっきり | clearly, distinctly | 冬には富士山が東京からくっきり見える。 | Mt. Fuji can be seen clearly from Tokyo in winter. |
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